Dr.F.Boschert im thinknew-interview über neue Werkzeuge Im Leadership
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„Both the Harvard Business School and Europe’s leading business school, INSEAD, have concluded, from research, that the two most effective business tools for twenty-first century executives are meditation and intuition.”
(Mark Thornton, former COO in Investmentbanking, now Corporate Meditation)
„Both the Harvard Business School and Europe’s leading business school, INSEAD, have concluded, from research, that the two most effective business tools for twenty-first century executives are meditation and intuition.”
(Mark Thornton, former COO in Investmentbanking, now Corporate Meditation)
“For high performance organizations to evolve, leaders … must help people access their sources of inspiration, intuition and imagination”
(Prof. Otto Scharmer, Senior Lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston).
“Meditation is an effective way to improve performance”
(Prof. Otto Scharmer, Senior Lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston).
“Meditation is an effective way to improve performance”